Wednesday, November 05, 2014

OSDC 2014 Day One

OSDC 2014 kicked off today and I was attending, my OSDC virginity has gone. Opens Source Developers Conference has convened on the Gold Coast

It was very interesting, I have seen some great talks getting an insight to a number of technologies
There are some people there who are madly hacking all sorts of things, Graphing technology, Arduino devices and the sustainable home, Gov hack and databases.
Its both old and young along side with only a passion about open source software
Talks about protecting yourself regarding the footprint you leave on the web from browsing and how that leaves you vulnerable to snooping about your surfung habits
Using to remove some of the inevitable jet trail you leave in metadata around the web
What about Postgres and JSON and the ability of Postgres to provide more ways to handle JSON objects? Including indexing elements of the JSON. More toi come in Postgres 9.4

Have you heard about Bluehackers, perhaps you should hopefully you never need it but one day you might just save a fellow worker with knowing about it.

Mari10DB is a leap forward, multi threaded Replication, Galera for clustering, new performance improvements with exists and in queries. GTID for replication consistency a long standing problem for MySQL and its derivatives such as mariadb. Improved performance on inserts.

Also a talk on stress and stress management with a tilt to Bluehackers

Some others are there for their first and some have been around since their inception

Tomorrow more stuff and conference dinner

It has been an interesting day with some people doing some interesting things

See ya round


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